Saturday, July 7, 2007

Day: T-1 The day before

Finally getting adapted to time zone ( or hooked on Tylenol PM's which I have been taking everynight to make sure I get a good sleep ) and woke up at 8:30 having just enough time to eat breakfast and take the #12 bus to Strandbad where the expo is. Got a 1 hour pre race massage and although the guy did a good job, I definitely missed the MT's that we have back at home, who actually did a lot of stretching of the limbs.

Attended the English prerace meeting at the IronDome which went over the rules that I have memorized as good as my home phone number anyways.

Did a little more browsing at the expo then had a cheese pizza ata small cafee on the main street which will be part of the run course.

Came back to the hotel to rest a little before we have to drop our bikes and our transition bags ( the gear/nutrition that will be needed when transitioning from swim to bike and bike to run) .

At this point everyone is getting a little antsy/quiet like the weather before the storm. Speaking of storms tomorrows weather forecast shows increasing chance of rain starting from the start time , and then decreasing after the finish.

Rode the bikes to drop off, dropped off the transition bags and then headed back to the hotel. Did not want to go out to dinner need some quiet time to myself before the race to calm and recompose.

I was excited that the hotel had '300' and was going to rent it for motivation, at the last minute I realized that it was in German.

Ate a sandwich that I got from Billa (little grocery store across the street ) went out for a walk at the alten platy treated myself to an icecream then headed back to my room for the night.

These last posts will sound slightly distant, cold.. this is how I usually feel before a big race. Frozen. Once I start going though everything falls in place.

My feelings are mixed, I know that I trained well the only bad thing was to put on weight. The course is beautiful but if it rains it could all turn into a miserable sufferfest.

My race plan is as the following:

Start with the last group on the left - since I tend to drift right

Draft from someone if I can, if not find some clear water, Jamie just told us that if we swam side by sid

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